“Are You Alive?”


I will make this very brief for you my dear reader. Hopefully you’re not Gen Z.

My sugar baby rang me about 48 hours ago and the first sentence she said to me was “How are you? Are you alive?” Of course, the child of God instinct in me kicked against this statement wondering if this was the plot of the enemy. I am alive in Jesus’ name. I quickly replied and said “can’t you hear my voice?” and immediately she chuckled, grunted and started explaining how she meant no harm and how “are you alive?” simply meant are you bubbly? are you happy? are you good? I told her I don’t understand their generation’s choice of words. I mean, I get “that is so fire” “hbu” “no cap” and the likes. But for Heaven’s sake what is “Are you alive?”, sorry the millennial in me cannot relate.

It then occurred to me that the Z generation is probably the most attacked because of their shrewdness and restlessness which has actually helped a lot of them become pioneers in their various fields. Their attention to detail and ironically their short attention span has dealt them a good hand-at least quite a number of them.

Now, to the not-so-good side, could it be, that Gen Z’s seemingly “offensive”, “rude behaviour” and “poor” choice of words could be as a result of bad parenting? If this is the case, does it mean millennials are bad parents and if millennials are bad parents are the Gen X responsible for the decadence?

Oh well, we will never know.

Please let’s show Gen Z’s love. After all, it was never their fault to begin with.

P.s- no P.s 



  1. 🤣🤣 my response would have been I'm alive in Jesus name. This is an amazing read.


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