Love Language-God Style


So recently I started learning about love languages and pretty much asked all those close to me what their love language is. I also learnt interestingly, that we have a love language we receive and a love language we give. 

Today, I’m going to be talking about an interesting discovery; God’s love language (spoiler alert; he has all of them) and because I’m Christian, I would be using examples from the Bible and also round off by suggesting how we can reciprocate the same love. 

  1. Words of affirmation- everywhere in the Bible, we have so many words of comfort from God. Telling us how he cares about us, how beautiful we are, how we are precious, how he will do anything for us and most importantly how much he loves us.
  2. Acts of service- God literally offered his son Jesus for us and this is not to take away all the other beautiful stories where he visited the sick, fed the multitude and many other amazing things.
  3. Gifts- yet again, what other great gift than the gift of the Holy Spirit. 
  4. Physical touch- many people that Jesus healed in the Bible, he literally had to touch them. There was also a part where he bid the children to come to him. He even made doubting Thomas touch his sides and don’t forget John who was always leaning on his bosom. 
  5. Quality time- this one is without a doubt. God is always looking to fellowship with us and spend time with us. Again he sent the Holy Spirit who is ever with us.

Now, in reciprocating, we should try as much as we can to spend quality time with God by meditating on his word, praying and fellowshipping with others, we should touch him by touching others it could simply be by giving a shoulder to someone to cry on, helping a baby walk, giving people great hugs and wiping away tears and dancing with people. This also spills into acts of service we should learn to give not only our resources but our time and abilities to the world which is intertwined with gifts and last but definitely not the least we should never stop telling God how much we love, value and appreciate all that he has done for us and who he is in our lives.

I hope you enjoyed this article and I will appreciate it if you can share it with people of like mind.

P.s- you should totally find out what your love language is if you’re yet to. 

P.s extra- the love language I give is acts of service and the one I love to receive is words of affirmation.


  1. This is really nice Funke. God bless you for this.

  2. Thank you so so much for your feedback!


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