
Showing posts from May, 2022

Love Language-God Style

  So recently I started learning about love languages and pretty much asked all those close to me what their love language is. I also learnt interestingly, that we have a love language we receive and a love language we give.  Today, I’m going to be talking about an interesting discovery; God’s love language (spoiler alert; he has all of them) and because I’m Christian, I would be using examples from the Bible and also round off by suggesting how we can reciprocate the same love.  Words of affirmation- everywhere in the Bible, we have so many words of comfort from God. Telling us how he cares about us, how beautiful we are, how we are precious, how he will do anything for us and most importantly how much he loves us. Acts of service- God literally offered his son Jesus for us and this is not to take away all the other beautiful stories where he visited the sick, fed the multitude and many other amazing things. Gifts- yet again, what other great gift than the gift of the Holy Spirit.   P