
Showing posts from March, 2022

Fill in the gaps

Dear God, I was a bit overwhelmed by ---- ------ ----- and I let my -------- get the better part of me. ------- ----- -- ------ is a privilege and you have helped me this --- . God , because I am ------------ and in constant fear of --- - ---- --- --- ---- I allowed this translate into ------- -- - ------- ----- ------ without ---------- that you are indeed the -------- and I am just a ------- . God , I am ----- for trying to ------ ---- ----- . a t best I should have ---- --- and asked for your help. I am very ------- for ----- ---- ---- -- myself and not ------- you instead. Dear God, I thank you because I know you are not ---- at me and I am ------- for ------- that way. Lord ---- me to do what is right, ----- me Lord. -------- me.     A silent affair.