Cold, Silence and Wet Nights


If it feels cold on a wet night, you most likely have a lot on your mind.

Its past midnight as I head towards my dormitory.

Why I had chosen such a far distance beats me.

All I know is that I had kept walking farther and farther away from my reality.

I had told everyone around me that I was going to study. I lied. I didn’t read anything.

Now the mosquitoes are really biting and even though it stopped raining a while ago, it feels like it only just started.

The walk is long and lonely, I think of the times you were still beside me. The times when rain gave me the warmest nights and lots of laughter with you in sight.

I’m so hungry, my stomach starts rumbling but even the Suya man has gone home to his family.

I gave you my everything and you took it away without warning.

Whoever knew silence could be so loud, it speaks through the wind so profoundly.

A puddle here, a puddle there, with more puddles from my organ of sight.

My life flashes right before my eyes, it appears my hall has no light.

I dread lying on my bed because I know when I wake up, I wouldn’t receive a text from you asking us to makeup.

Have you ever had a cold, silent and a wet night? Tell me what was on your mind.



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