
Showing posts from July, 2021

The lesson not learnt from Oluronbi

  For those who do not know; Oluronbi is a popular Yoruba folklore about a woman who in desperation asked an iroko tree for a child and pledged the same child in return to the iroko tree. Well, she did have the child, a girl whom she named Aponbepore and when it was difficult to honour her pledge the iroko tree took the girl away. Now, I am very familiar with this story. I must have heard it a couple of times when I was younger and I count it a privilege to have watched a live musical (written and directed by Mister Rain) about it on Sunday the 19 th of July 2021 at Glover Memorial Hall, Customs Street, Lagos. After the show ended, most of us expressed our opinion on how foolish Oluronbi had been. Why did she pledge a child when others pledged animals and foodstuff? was it out of arrogance to show her friends she was the best or was it out of disbelief that the iroko tree was not able to give her a child? There were many ‘lessons to learn’ with the chief one being don’t make promi

An Open Letter to Busayo Okunola- The Future of African Sports

Dear Busayo, I racked my brain severally on what to write about you in my blog because I don’t write just for fun, I write from my heart. I wanted to talk grand about you but I realised that I don’t have much to say except that I have been told that you are a talented athlete and I believe this because you have your gold medals to show for it and you give me the shivers that talented people give. There is no doubt that you are one of the next big things to happen to the world-we just haven’t realised it yet. Anything I say in addition will be me exaggerating facts because I do not know you so well but I want to believe that you are a decent and respectful human being and I have no doubt that some day I will talk more about you because your story is still being written. Busayo, you have found big magic. I hope you make it big with the right people on your side. I hope that on cloudy days and stormy nights you find the light, I hope you live a life that will encourage people to be

Leave People Alone

The design of the world is that its imperfections make it perfect. It is nobody’s world, yet it is everybody’s world. No matter what you say or do, people will not live their lives the way you want them to and people will not do things that make sense to you.   Please keep your “this is the way you should live your life” opinion to yourself and leave people alone. Particularly when you are not sponsoring the lives they have chosen to live. P.s- Am I doing exactly what I just preached against?  Leave me alone  😄😂 😅

Why you need hateful remarks sometimes.

Have you ever wondered why a lot of successful people in telling their success stories hardly recount the positive remarks they received  during their period of struggle  but almost always talk about the hateful and discouraging words that were said to them at the time? Long question but I want you to take a moment to think about the times when people said negative things to you that stirred you up to prove a point, make a change or do better for yourself. Whoever said lemons weren’t good? 😉 Keep making lemonades on your way to the top!!   P.s- I wanted to write a list of the ‘hateful remarks’ made to Oprah, Zuckerberg and the likes but I’m sure you get the point.