
Showing posts from December, 2018


Today’s post is as a result of the New York Times podcast (which I listen to everyday) streamed on Wednesday 5th December and Thursday 6th December.   The title of the podcast is what the west got wrong about china and it was streamed in two parts. I believe Nigeria adopts a lot of western values and that’s why I’m certain the lessons not only apply to the west but also to us as a country. Please find below an excerpt from the online post on the New York Times titled five takeaways from our new china project by Megan Specia. Read, Enjoy and Share. How did China do it? When The New York Times set out to take a big-picture look at China, the what was obvious enough: Across the Pacific Ocean from the United States lies the world’s newest superpower, a rival to American interests both economic and political. The how was another matter. How did the land once commonly — and with some disdain — known in the West as Communist China come to lead the world in the number


So, the 27th of November 2018, was the day I got the welcome call into the Nigerian Bar. 5 years at the University, 1 mandatory year of internships and 1 year at the Nigerian Law school, Ladies and Gentlemen, it all came down to this day. Please, don’t ask me how I feel, this piece says it all. Those welcoming words were made and I realised, this is it. In a way, life in another dimension begins with this call. As many things ran through mind, I could’t help but relate this new association with life itself. So let’s pretend the Nigerian bar is a liquor bar and you just arrived. The bar man, ready as ever to serve you whatever you demands from the beautiful array of the variety of drinks displayed on the shelf.  Yes, I was intentional with the word demand, as I am of the opinion that as it is with life, the Nigerian Bar will only give you what you demand and not necessarily what you deserve. And if karma decides to push you in the direction of what you deserve, trust me, I have