Joseph was particularly excited on this Tuesday morning. The rain was pouring heavily and it seemed the sun would not rise in time, but that was not a problem for him because  life as he knew it is was about to change. He hurriedly packed his bags and went to the yard to shower before anyone else woke up. Not because he was an early bird or loved to shower on time but because he wanted to show their guest who had travelled miles from his destination that he was the right candidate for the job.

The water from the well seemed refreshing and soothing as Joseph scooped it from an iron bucket which he had used in fetching water the previous night.  He had heard several stories of people who lived in places where you didn’t need to fetch water from the well, he had even seen a tap once in his lifetime when ‘Baba Show’ who was bidding for a political position several years ago installed a bore hole some kilometres away from the village. During that period, it seemed the whole village didn’t mind trekking so far just to fetch a bucket of water. But even as Baba show's political ambition didn’t go far, so also the borehole did not last. All what is left are rusted pipes and a tap that looked like it had ceased to exist a million years ago.

Joseph thought of his ailing father, and didn’t want to ask questions that he knew he wasn’t prepared to answer. He wanted a better life far above what he was getting, when he had opportunity to go to school his classmates would all sit and recount stories of what it’s like to live in the city, most of them told the truth as they recounted experiences from short holidays while others lied just to show that they belonged. Joseph on the other hand had no story to tell. After his mother passed away when he was only 9 with 3 younger sisters to look after, Joseph stopped going to school so he could carry out menial jobs to take care of the home. His father was a deadbeat drunkard, who could never hold a job for long and loved to gamble. Joseph didn't want that life. So he had always wanted an opportunity to get out of the village. Today was that day.

“Uncle, Uncle Korede, I’m the one Joseph" Joseph shouted as he knocked the mirror of the Toyota Camry parked outside. The man in the car obviously startled by the loud bang hissed “What time is it" he said as he rolled down the glass. Its” 5’oclock sir, I am ready sir" uncle Korede couldn’t help but smile, he knew deep down that they would love this one. So energetic and so full of life “ let me greet your father before we leave" uncle Korede said as he stepped out to take a leak .

Papa Jo was still snoring loudly when they entered into the moth infested shed where he and Joseph’s 3 sisters lay fast asleep. He tried to wake his father up gently but there was no luck. His younger sister Dorcas got up instead to bid them farewell. She hugged her brother tightly “please don’t forget us and come back for us soon" she said.

Thirty minutes after, Uncle Korede and his companion were on their journey to freedom. Joseph took in the air and the comfort of the car seat as they drove on. He had never been in such a classy car before. He began to imagine if one day, like Uncle Korede he would also drive his car back to the village to pick his sisters up. At that point, nothing seemed impossible. Joseph was optimistic as he dreamt of starting a life in the city of excellence. His eyes wide open as they moved from one state to the other. He had been mostly silent all through  the trip and only expressed gratitude when Uncle Korede bought him banana and groundnut . As they moved closer to their destination Uncle Korede looked  tired and exhausted. The trip must have been long for him, driving six hours the previous day and six hours back the following day. Joseph started to feel sleepy too but knew it would be rude if Unce Korede found him sleeping. He might not be well educated but he was definitely not manerless. Nature however had it’s way as Joseph drifted into a light sleep, he was awoken from a heavy bang and thud as the car rammed into a tree on the roadside and started to flip backwards. Joseph started to shout and scream before the car finally  came to a halt. He looked beside him to see if Uncle Korede was okay.

Uncle Korede was nowhere to be found.


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