
Showing posts from August, 2013

Trapped 2

I'm at the front row looking at him,so handsome and so well dressed,the congregation is paying so much attention,he's preaching and everywhere is so silent. This is a man of God,how would I seek his advice on what is going on with me? Its another Sunday in the presence of God and I have no one to talk to. All my life,I've been devoted to whatever I put my heart to. That's who I am and who I've always been. I'm now 42 years of age and life has sure shown me hell. Like everyone else,I have a big problem. Whenever I'm deeply hurt,my tongue let's loose and I say a lot of hurtful things to the people I care most about. I have a lot of friends but we all. pretend to one another by acting as if life is indeed perfect. Everyone is all so superficial and they all look up to me but who do I have the courage to tell that my husband has become impotent. This has been going on for about six years and I'm always so tortured about it. His pride won't let him vi


I'm only 11 and schooling in one of the best schools in town. Its another summer break and since I'm in the boarding house,to most people it meant quality family time but that wasn't the same case for me. I come from a family of five. My father,my mother and three children me being the last child. Its about 1am at midnight and since my siblings are out of the country I'm up watching TV and that's when I hear the noise,its a noise I'm very familiar with. My dad beating my mum again. I hear smashing and my mum wailing. I can't move from where I am yet I'm in pain. My Dad who is meant to be my heroe has turned to a monster and my mother a whole society lady has been reduced into a punching bag. Do they even know how I feel? How much it hurts,I'm only 11 and going through this..and that's when I hear my mum screaming for help. She never used to scream for help,I silently open the door and rush to her aid. My dad on seeing me decides not to smash the


It's a new beginning for you and for me,to share our hopes and dreams,our secrets and also to reach out to those who need our help on several issues bothering their lives and the affairs of their hearts. Please look out for upcoming posts.