
Showing posts from August, 2021

If you had 60 seconds to flee your country, who/what are you taking?

  The story of the Taliban taking over Afghanistan has spread like wildfire around the world. If you pretend not to be interested at least you know the main gist. Power has changed hands. That being said, this takes me to what we count as essential when our lives are about to be changed and everything we know is about to come to an end. I can imagine lovers, fathers, daughters, friends who are about to be torn apart for circumstances beyond their control. A lot of questions are being thrown in the air? Why can’t they fight back, why did America agree to leave? Is this going to happen in Nigeria? What will be the fate of those who are left behind. For questions that we may never have answers to, it is important that we seize every moment to appreciate the little and big things of life, with things or with people, whether our freedom is limited or not.    P.s- During the EndSars Protest in Lagos, Nigeria I remember "fleeing" to a friend's house with my passport and a