
Showing posts from June, 2018


It’s been a long haul and a long ride but over time I have come to realise that everyone in life is in a race or at least most people are. However the question is what do we really want out of life? Career-wise, Family-wise, Emotional wise and Spiritual wise? These are questions begging for answers. Having done quite a number of research, I discovered that it’s all about fulfilment and happiness. A large percentage of us want to be happy but we all have different yardsticks for what amounts to  happiness. For some its graduating, getting a great job, having kids, acquiring properties, lending a helping hand, having the latest gadgets and gizmos etc. and when people are yet to get/have these things, they are not truly or fully happy and so they keep yearning and longing for that state. This prompted me to  ask a wise King recently what he could really say about life and our constant pursuits and he said to me “my comely daughter, this is the conclusion; eat to your satisfaction, li