
City Girl in F.C.T

I had coined this name for myself a couple of months back. Cheesy yet cool. I like to pride myself in being a Lagos girl. I will shout it to the rooftop and tell it on the mountains. The best place to be in the world is Lagos, Nigeria. Maybe, someday, I will write about that. But today’s article is different. It's about my experience indeed as a Lagos Girl in the Federal Capital Territory of Nigeria. The F.C.T isn’t new to me. I had been here numerous times either for school, work, leisure, or vacation but a couple of weeks ago, a new reality dawned on me when for the first time in my existence I booked a one-way trip to Abuja. My flight tickets were always for round trips. Thankfully I had familiar faces to welcome me and friends’ kind enough to give me shelter and take me out to dinner. But after a couple of days, I started to ask myself questions and at a point I even shed a few tears. I am a Nigerian through and through and I count it a privilege to live in a community

Moments of Hypocrisy

I had just watched “To Kill A Tiger” an emotional documentary centered around a 13-year old girl who had been gang raped by three young adults in her community. The girl’s family had reported to the police and sought justice from the courts. The community started to pressure the girl’s father saying he should marry her off to one of the boys who had raped her to take away the “stain” from her and recover his right standing in society. This was my first time encountering the “marry-your-rapist” notion. After two hours and a few tears shed, I finished the documentary and wrote a caption I intended to post on my WhatsApp story. The caption went thus “Any society that supports the marry-your-rapist notion should have a place worse than hell reserved for them”. Just before I hit the post icon, I typed the word marry your rapist in google and found that it was a law or concept that protected the honour of a rape victim. It still did not make sense to me. Who started this and how did it st

An Unpopular Opinion on a Popular Day

  "Chika, you know I don’t believe in International Women’s Day. We already have Father’s Day, Mother’s Day, Children’s Day. Which one is Women’s Day again? If anything, we should thank the women who fought for equality of rights in the 18 th /19 th century. And that’s even the fault of their generation that had men with a different mentality and believed so much in patriarchy. Also, I don’t mind patriarchy if my Father, Brother and Husband are doing what is right and looking after me and providing for me. I am a woman with breasts and periods. With a womb and back to carry children. Nature has already assigned me responsibilities. It is fine. I am okay. I am complete. Whether I can vote or not. Whether I have property or not. Whether I am educated or not. I know this might sound shallow but that is just my unpopular opinion on a popular day."   To the real women, who despite the odds, show up every day. Every day is your day.


  Seek and you shall find.  P.s-

23 for 23

In the days when you need light on a dark path, I hope some of these lessons can be your torch. 1.    A positive atmosphere is everything. 2.        God will come to you as you think He is.   3.       Good always prevails.   4.       It will stop when you stop it.   5.       The answer is usually in the question.   6.       You cannot help people’s perception of you.   7.       Always extend grace.   8.       Givers never lack.   9.       Suffering is an illusion.   10.   Recognize bus stops.   11.   Not all friendships should lead to relationships.   12.   Follow the signs, trust the process.   13.   What you really need must come to you.    14.   The Universe is always speaking.   15.   Honour your elders.    16.   God is.   17.   Let go of control.   18.   Recognize God’s answers.   19.   Apologise sincerely.   20.   Trust God.   21.   Contribute to what you benefit from.   22.   No one has it all together.   23.   Play your part. P.S- To

You never left and He never left you.

Today , I said I was going to read the book of Philemon but didn’t remember till I opened the blinds and shut the door ready to go for work. Why did I do that again? I barely spent time with my maker and I’m wondering why I’m not singing in tongues or memorizing the word. I fe el the overwhelming guilt from switching from W hats A pp to blogs, to Instagram and then T i k-T ok. I will do it later tonight ; I say . I will spend time with my maker . Still, I’m back in bed after a long day and all I want to do is to catch up with YouTube - of course after I have returned all the calls of my loved ones. I don’t even have time for H im I think to myself, but then, in a moment, and as a still small voice, I hear the word so loudly “ You never left, and H e never left you ”. You see, H e was there when you woke up feeling astray. When things were not adding up and you were wondering when the next cheque will come. When you realised once again that there’s no one to make break

Any day. Anytime. Anywhere.

  You see this faith thing, it's a must have. It was a couple of weeks ago when I saw this beggar girl and her friends purify themselves by the roadside for the hour of prayer and then take a position to pray without any fear, shame, hesitation or reservation.  I thought to myself about how we make so many excuses, waiting for the perfect moment to reach out to God. The truth is, it's all about what we prioritize,  and you need to realize that there’s a divine power beyond our natural senses and above all, that power is good. It wants you happy, it is always always on your side even when it doesn’t seem like it.  Forget whatever has happened before the moment you started reading this article and trust that everything conspires for your good, the only person who can stop it is you. When you disagree with the love from the Universe then bad energy follows and continues to reinforce your negativity.  Remember everything is constantly working for you to “make it” for all your